On-Page SEO includes involves several components and is an ongoing activity. This part of SEO changes continuously based on external factors such as competitor movements and current search trends. The nature of On-Page SEO creates a cycle of activities that must be revisited frequently.
Keyword Management
The first step with On-Page SEO is to identify what your target keywords are. This isn’t as simple as creating a list of words. This idea also encompasses several of the following concepts for SEO. Management of keywords involves identifying new keywords, considering the changing nature of the industry, and new developments within the news cycle.
Keyword Research
With a list of keywords, keyword research can begin. Researching keywords includes finding out if there is enough search volume to justify putting resources into increasing the rankings for that keyword, identifying how difficult the competition is for that keyword and if there are any keywords that may be missing when analyzing similar competitors. This research must be completed continuously because the search factors change continuously. Optimizing for old data and not adjusting for new ones can waste resources.
Keyword Mapping
Once the research is complete, it’s necessary to take the results of the analysis and map the most important keywords to pages that encapsulate those ideas. If there are important keywords that do not directly correlate with any existing pages, those pages should be created, and will be advised to do so with copy created from within your company.
Content Manipulation
Some content on pages may be closely related to target keywords but does not have the necessary structure and wording to target the desired keywords in the best way possible. With analysis, we can determine which pages mapped to keywords need to have their content manipulated in order to better target the correct set of keywords.